Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The City of Peace.

Tonight in Jerusalem the Independance Day Celebration day begins.
We saw some of the celebration tonight while we were walking to our 'home away from home' after a crazy day:
It's like a parade in Orville or somewhere; little booths sitting everywhere with owners yelling at you that their wares need boughten: cotton candy, popcorn, and random objects that glow in the dark and look cool, a set of loudspeakers set up way too loud with a guest band who you have no idea who it is, fireworks exploding every now and then when you don't expect it, and lights strung everywhere in blue and white; the country's colors.
Keep walking, get in your car and drive into the city for a while.
You'll come to two apartment buildings.
Park, and walk upstairs one floor
 (or get in an elevator and go two floors for the other one.).
Open the door, and here's our home.
Just enough room for our family to live with 7 inches to spare.
I don't think I'll go into detail describing the rooms, but picture a three bedroom apartment with a large kitchen and white walls everywhere.

Where have we been to in the past ... two and a half days?
We've been all the way from Tiberius to Jerusalem.
We met our new tour guide, Brian, and two of his sons, Boaz, and Dror (liberty, freedom in hebrew).
He's taken us to the Mount of Olives, and shown us the church put up in remembrance of the place that Jesus mounted the donkey and made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

                                         It has incredible acoustics, and we spent a lot of our time
                                                singing and worshiping in here.
                                                   (those are REAL monks.)

      Brian took us to the Israel Museum, and we spent the rest of the day
  looking through a conglamoration of incredible artifacts with so many stories behind each one.

                                Cherie has been in her glory today, there are so many random cello sculptures.
                                              (it's not really hitting her nose, it just looks like it.)

                                            This was the Christ Church that we visited today.
                                          The grand piano was playable, and yes. we sang again.

                                       Some people have a flag that the group follows and flocks around.
                                         We have a notebook.

Ancient ruins in Tel Hazor are a great place to play Kittens.

this was our view from the Mount of Olives.
(sorry for the wrong order of the pictures. it's late. and I'm tired. and we have a sleepover pending. )

                                        A Two-Family picture from the Mount of Olives.

                                              Mt. Carmel portraits.
(this was heard from one of the children: HOW COME THING 1 IS SMALLER THAN THING 2?)

                                                     We sure do like group pictures, don't we?

This is Hezekiah's tunnel.
It was ridiculously incredibly fun.
Claustrophobia-prone people would have a wee bit of a problem, 
as the walls are tight and low
in most places.

Here sunglasses are a necessity, 
not a fashion statement.

We also learned that in Jerusalem, 
women who have their heads covered are married.

This has been, 
ramblings with christy.
the part of the show where 
christy comes out and 
a random 


  1. This post just made my day. I do believe I am living vicariously through ya'll at the moment :)
    Lots of love!

  2. Loving the updates. Keep them up. What a wonderful experience. Love ya'll Dorothy

  3. I second Sheila's comment. :) And I am especially loving that first shot!

  4. CHRISTY! hullo! we like your blog and we love even more that you take the time to update it (God bless you richly:)! it really is marvelous to see all the places you've been. see? we've been feeding your fish (it's addicting...especially since you can feed them alot and know they will not die;) so rest easy and continue to have a jolly time. on a side note you and cherie didn't come for lessons today and i thought of you all out there globe trotting and i missed you. keep taking lots of pictures so you can show them to us and then we can pretend we were in israel too...for FREE.
    ~kaitlyn and kristen

  5. you have no idea what we just went through to publish that comment. what is an openID URL anyhow? google was very helpful :)
    kaitlyn and kristen. again.
