Friday, May 4, 2012

Gone With The Wind

They are gone.
All eight of them...up and left us.
It feels so different around here without them.

We are all kind of wandering around, wondering how we are supposed to keep going without them.
It's been an incredible two weeks.
(wow, that was the lamest sentence ever... how am I supposed to describe it to you? After trying to find a word that would work and only coming up with "incredible", it seems like such a let down.)

I was looking through some pictures this afternoon.
reliving memories.
feeling lonely.
God has shown us so much these past two weeks.
I can't explain it to you.
The Bible has come alive to us, really alive. 

We've been reliving the whole story over through the past two weeks.
What happens when you relive The Story? God's Story?

You see things in ways you have never seen them before.

You begin to get to know Jesus, really get to know Him.

You start to understand the Father's love, mercy, justice, and faithfulness.

You hunger--oh boy do you ever hunger!-- yet you are more filled than you have ever been before.

You walk away realizing The Story isn't over, that it is still being written...and you want more than anything to be part of it.

And here, our theme song for the trip, The Lord Is My Light.
None of us will ever forget this moment...
Oh Guys.......I miss you! 


  1. Thanks for posting, Monica! and wow! I can only imagine what it was like to sing in there...sounded great!

  2. miss you! more posts would be most enjoyed :) ~ Celesta

  3. So, watching a video like this makes my heart...well, I'm not sure what it's doing. I'm awed. At Him, and then what He does for His children. Beautiful.
